
We have the most demanding certifications, such as the SAE Level 3 Certificate, required for export worldwide. Our traditional way of working integrates perfectly with the most current demands and allows our products to be adapted to the individual market requirements of each country. This gives us an advantage in providing personalized service to each customer.

Our work system is based on a commitment to quality and innovation. Ramón Ventulà applies concepts of quality, food safety, environmental respect, and occupational health in its management. For this reason, we have the main certifications.


Certification standard developed by the main associations of food traders and distributors in the United Kingdom, which has international recognition. It verifies that certified companies comply with the requirements of the HACCP system, quality management, and legal compliance. It also ensures that there are adequate facilities for food production. All this with the aim of serving safe food to consumers.

International standard applied to food producers, developed by food distributor associations from Germany, France, and Italy, with the aim of consumer protection by establishing a series of food safety, legal compliance, fraud and adulteration protection, and facility requirements that producer companies must meet.

Chorizo is an integral part of the country’s gastronomy and culture. Product made in Spain with 100% Spanish raw materials. A unique origin and guarantee.

This seal certifies that the hams have been produced in accordance with the association’s stringent quality standards and have passed the rigorous quality controls established for product export.

The TSG (Traditional Specialty Guaranteed) distinction demonstrates the quality of all our hams. This distinction recognizes the quality of the raw materials, as well as all the factors related to the preparation, production, and care processes of the hams.